Stress is the hottest topic this time of the year. One of the best things I have done, when the stress is quite high is to take a break and refocus my mind. How, when there is so much...
“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship you have with yourself.” There is old age, sickness and death, however, we can succumb to the pain that seems to be inherent in these conditions or we...
With everything that one does, one is on a constant search for happiness or wellbeing. Wellbeing is a state characterized by health, happiness and prosperity or a good and satisfactory condition of existence. We can change our wellbeing through...
According to Traditional Chinese Medical, depression falls into two categories: Liver Qi Stagnation or Deficiency involving either the Heart, Spleen, or Kidneys. Ancient literature states: “Anger makes Qi rise; joy slows down Qi; sadness dissolves Qi; fear makes Qi...
Why not? Life has ups and downs. The ocean does not fight against its waves. At it’s depths it remains calm and stable. Why then do we resist our difficulties and only want the good experiences ? The other...
Finding Calm During Chaos. If we are not aware, life can toss us up and down without mercy as if we we’re in a stormy sea, we will be blown as leaves, branches, and twigs are blown in a...