Epidermal Non-invasive Acupuncture Trypanophobia, fear of needles, is common in medical settings. Research has revealed that 1 out of 4 people experience anxiety with regards to needles. As a result, patients do not receive vaccinations or do not complete...
According to Traditional Chinese Medical, depression falls into two categories: Liver Qi Stagnation or Deficiency involving either the Heart, Spleen, or Kidneys. Ancient literature states: “Anger makes Qi rise; joy slows down Qi; sadness dissolves Qi; fear makes Qi...
Hieroglyphics 10,000 years ago reveal the first evidence of acupuncture. In the industrial revolution, early acupuncture stone or”bian ” needles were replaced by finer gold and silver needles. Acupuncture had a long history in which its theories and treatment...
Finding Calm During Chaos. If we are not aware, life can toss us up and down without mercy as if we we’re in a stormy sea, we will be blown as leaves, branches, and twigs are blown in a...
Both my husband and I have been using the following guided meditation to fall asleep each night. With this 3 minute meditation we have found that we are sleeping more soundly and are waking more refreshed. Click here!
Less is More If the idea of being stuck with a lot of needles sounds scary, sticking large, long needles may sound even worse. And yet this is what is being done by Registered, licensed acupuncturists and other health...
I recently had a patient come in for severe anxiety. With one treatment, her symptoms were dramatically improved. Many patients with acute extreme emotional conditions respond quite favourably to acupuncture. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the causes of disease are...
Feeling stressed in today’s society is common. Over time, stress can affect one’s overall health. Learning a simple meditation will lower your stress and improve your health. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, there are many...