Epidermal Non-invasive Acupuncture
Trypanophobia, fear of needles, is common in medical settings. Research has revealed that 1 out of 4 people experience anxiety with regards to needles. As a result, patients do not receive vaccinations or do not complete their vaccination schedule. As well, many people avoid acupuncture.
Epidermal non-abrasive acupuncture was developed to treat a patient who had needle intolerance during an acupuncture treatment. Similar to blunt needles and acupressure, this method involves stimulation of the skin to treat health concerns. This published case study describes the effective treatment of headaches, insomnia, fatigue, and stress with a course of weekly epidermal non-abrasive acupuncture.
Epidermal non-abrasive acupuncture is a non-puncture acupuncture technique for those patients who cannot tolerate needling. Several negative situations may arise with needling: trypanophobia and needle shock. Elderly or weak patients may also require a gentle treatment such as the proposed method.
Epidermal non-abrasive acupuncture directly affects the skin which causes a change in the brain and thus impacts the inherent healing mechanism of the body. The Lungs are the organ which controls the skin. The Kidneys affect the brain and the spinal cord. In Chinese medicine the organs influence one another. These relationships are applied to physiology, pathology and diagnosis. According to the Production Phase, there is a relationship between the Lungs (skin) and the Kidneys (brain). Therefore, one could draw an assumption that stimulation of the skin could create a change anywhere in the body.
Biomedical research reveals that 25% of patients have a degree of needle phobia. These studies are investigating methods to reduce pain to increase patient compliancy for future vaccinations.
Biomedicine has a history of understanding the epidermis and the relationship of the epidermis (skin) to the nervous system. Specifically, Langerhans cells and Merkel cells are mechanoreceptors found in the epithelial layer of the skin. These cells when stimulated by touch create an electrical signal that is delivered to the central nervous system. Gentle stimuli such as the epidermal non-abrasive acupuncture may also cause mechanical mechanoreceptors to relay information to the central nervous system.
Epidermal non-abrasive acupuncture was developed to treat a patient who had a negative reaction to acupuncture, and who wanted treatment. By coming up with a solution, I was able to address her health concern. Further study may reveal the effectiveness of epidermal non-abrasive acupuncture across a wide range of diseases.
What is fear of needles called? Trypanophobia
How common is needle phobia? Research has revealed that 1 out of 4 people experience anxiety with regards to needles
How do you know if you have needle phobia? Symptoms of needle phobia include dizziness, fainting, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, high blood pressure or racing heart right beforehand, feeling physically or emotionally violent, and avoiding or running away from medical care.
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