New to Acupuncture? Initial Consult and Mini Treatment $85.00 Summer de-stress. Auricular (Ear) treatment $45.00 Tune-up Special $65.00
The main characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine is its ability to piece together various symptoms that a person presents with and treat from this totality. Looking at the TCM model we understand that stress affects many aspects of the...
Dear Lisa, I can not fully express my gratitude to you for inserting the “ear sed” while we were at the Castlegar airport as I began my journey to Toronto for Christmas. I have been a most reluctant flier...
Stress is the hottest topic this time of the year. One of the best things I have done, when the stress is quite high is to take a break and refocus my mind. How, when there is so much...
“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship you have with yourself.” There is old age, sickness and death, however, we can succumb to the pain that seems to be inherent in these conditions or we...
Acupuncture is a simple approach to treating eczema. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the Lungs and the skin are connected. Often in skin problems there will be allergic rhinitis or sinusitis. During an attack, the treatment would address...
Many of us find that when we lay down to sleep, either we are not comfortable, our minds are racing, we are replaying the events of the day, or there is a song we heard on the radio that...
Exciting news for menstruating women! A new study (click here for more information!) has revealed acupuncture treatment significantly reduces the intensity and duration of period pain, including symptoms such as bloating, headaches and nausea. Better yet, these improvements were...
According to Traditional Chinese Medical, depression falls into two categories: Liver Qi Stagnation or Deficiency involving either the Heart, Spleen, or Kidneys. Ancient literature states: “Anger makes Qi rise; joy slows down Qi; sadness dissolves Qi; fear makes Qi...