Community Style Acupuncture is defined as the practice of acupuncture featuring the following: Many patients receive treatments at the same time. As with any intentional group endeavor, the shared state makes individual treatments more powerful. Here, the patients create...
Combat Stress, Relaxation Reboot
Stress, Insomnia, Headaches Every Wednesday, 8AM, $45.00, Community Style Acupuncture, First 8 people, No Appointments Required
Acupuncture is an excellent choice for those experiencing migraines and other types of headaches. There is extensive information within the Traditional Chinese Medicine literature that supports the successful treatment of migraines and headaches. In fact, there are specific primary...
An increased number of patients with allergy symptoms in the summer has lead me to question what is the correlation with this season and allergies. Allergies are often brought on by “improper eating habits, overwork and excess worry”…too many...
It is surprising how many women think that Premenstrual Syndrome, PMS, is normal. PMS, although common among women, is not normal and indicates an imbalance in the body. But the number of women who experience PMS is quite high. 25%...
Hieroglyphics 10,000 years ago reveal the first evidence of acupuncture. In the industrial revolution, early acupuncture stone or”bian ” needles were replaced by finer gold and silver needles. Acupuncture had a long history in which its theories and treatment...
One Treatment to Address Many Health Conditions Case Study: Woman 56 years old. Primary concern: neck pain. Secondary concerns: headaches and hot flushes. The beauty of Traditional Chinese Medicine is how the conditions that a person presents with are...