Acupuncture techniques include a variety of options, Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping or Tapping. Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, filiform or solid needles which are inserted quickly just under the skin. The method used is a pressing finger acupuncture style which cause very little discomfort and many people to not feel the insertion of the needle at all! Moxibustion is a heating technique often used in treatment chronic painful conditions. Cupping is applying a cup with suction on the skin and is useful for acute painful condition. Cupping is also used to improve the strength of the limbs. Tapping is an effective approach in which the acupuncture points are tapped. Tapping is effective for small children, those who have a weakened immune system or those who are nervous about the needles.
Services Available
Community Style Acupuncture is defined as the practice of acupuncture featuring the following. Many patients receive treatments at the same time. As with any intentional group endeavor, the shared state makes individual treatments more powerful. Here, the patients create the healing atmosphere as much as the practitioner. The treatments are given in a large, quiet space where patients receive treatment while sitting on a recliner. Acupuncture points are administered on the ears, and around the ankles and wrists, so there’s no need to undress. There is a sliding scale fee $45 – $75 providing for affordable services.
Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping or Tapping Initial consultation
1 – 1.5 hours, $160.00. This first appointment is used to gather a
complete health history in order to attain a Traditional Chinese Medicine
Diagnosis, Treatment Plan and Treatment. As each person’s health in unique, all
aspects of diagnosis and treatment are tailored to the individual. For most
health concerns it is suggested to schedule 5 follow up treatments. Although
the standard number of treatments is 10, most patients will be noticing
significant improvement after 6 treatments. Prior to your appointment please
have something light to eat and wear loose clothing.
Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping or Tapping Subsequent Visits
45 minutes, $75.00.
Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping or Tapping Extended Visits1.5 – 2 hours $140.00. This appointment is for those who have not been in for over 1 year or whose health symptoms might have changed suddenly or dramatically. This will allow the acupuncturist adequate time to gather a full health history in order to adjust a previous a Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis, Treatment Plan and Treatment. Prior to your appointment please have something light to eat and wear loose clothing.
Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping or Tapping Subsequent treatments X 5
45 minutes, $75.00. Please schedule 5 treatments
It Takes 2 to Tango, Couples Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping or
1 – 1.5 hours, $160.00 each. This series of acupuncture treatments is
designed for those couples who want to improve their health together. This is like
having a work-out buddy. Here the
motivation to improve one’s health is strengthened by the fact that their
partner is also wanted to get well. This
opens an avenue of communication for couples which extends to diet, exercise
and meditation or other stress reducing techniques. Please schedule two Acupuncture
Initial consultation appointments. (See above cost and description)
It Takes 2 to Tango, Couples Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping or
1.5 hours, $127.50 when couples come in one after the other.
Family-time Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping or Tapping
45 minutes each, $187.50 for 3 family members, each additional family
member is $55.00. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the relationship between
family member is well understood. Please schedule these appointments on the
same day to receive the Family-time rate.